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Apr 8, 2022
What is Docker? Docker is an open platform that allows engineers to develop, ship and run their applications in a controlled and...
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Aug 26, 2021
[PT] ROS - uma breve introdução
Desenvolver um robô autônomo requer várias ferramentas, como drivers de software, ferramentas de simulações e visão computacional. ROS...
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Apr 14, 2021
PID Control With Arduino
How can we command a robot so that it maintains a position and orientation under water? In this post we will see how a PID controller can...
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Mar 3, 2021
Hackathon: the marathon for programmers
The word “Hackathon” comes from a mixture of the words “hacker” and “marathon”. It is an event where people who are fond of software...
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Sep 10, 2020
Obstacle Avoidance: from Drones to AUVs
Obstacle Avoidance is the action executed by an autonomous robot to avoid previously detected obstacles. This is of special interest for...
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Aug 5, 2020
SLAM and Autonomous Navigation
When launching an AUV (Autonomous Underwater Vehicle) - like that of UFRJ Nautilus - in unknown waters, it is necessary that it could be...
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Jul 8, 2020
Artificial Intelligence - from video games to AUVs
In most video games there is an opponent, in multiplayer games you play against another human, but in single players the opponent is the...
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Jun 17, 2020
Echolocation - Possibilities of underwater echolocation
Echolocation is the capacity for emission and analysis or timing of ultrasonic waves used in the survival of animals, such as hunting,...
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May 22, 2020
Beamforming and it's performance in 5G
O que é a técnica do Beamforming e como ela pode colaborar para o avanço do 5G.
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Apr 30, 2020
Gazebo: the Power of Simulations
O Gazebo é uma ferramenta de simulação, utilizada principalmente no setor de robótica. Aprenda um pouco mais sobre essa ferramenta.
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Apr 8, 2020
Computer vision and Self-driving cars
A visão computacional é um campo da inteligência artificial fundamental para a contrução de um carro autônomo.
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