
The management area is responsible for taking care of the team and maintaining the organization within it. This occurs through the documentation of the members, the materials, a list of the entire inventory of the team, minutes of meetings and frequency control of the members and their activities with the coordinators of their respective areas, this being the internal area of management. Externally, management is responsible for being a strong ally to the captaincy in the role of representing the team to the outside world.
Management members participate in meetings with possible sponsors, get in touch with companies in order to propose partnerships and the like, make internal presentations at college and at events. It also relies on the financial part of the team, where all inputs and outputs are controlled, expenses with materials and budgets for the robot, together with financial reports to return to the sponsors. Last but not least, it has the HR area, responsible for keeping members welcomed and updated on what happens in other areas and being the point of support in times of difficulty to solve the problems that arise.

Mychelle Soares

Beatriz Torres